Я в шоке, просто в шоке...
Hello everyone,
This is hard trying to prop myself up on the computer, but anyways, the other night I got shot by one of the mentally ill people in our apartment complex, just because I wouldn't give her a dog that I was looking after. Her, her husband and her younger daughter (with a baseball bat) dragged me into their apartment and attempted to kill me. When I finally escaped and began running out the door, the wife had shot me while looking right into my eyes.
I went to the hospital for 24 hours and they said I so so lucky the fact that the bullet went into my left flank, skimmed across my bottom rib and exited out of my back (narrowly missing my colon and spleen.)
But now, both parties (guilty and non-guilty) have been evicted from the apartment complex (and yes I think they gave them all slack and didn't send them to jail or press charges because they are all mental.) We've been given three days to leave. Obviously as some of you know, we're flat ass broke. So, I am opening my commissions to full capacity!! As well as donations if any.
professorpemzini.deviantart.com/ aka adoobibulltwin4.deviantart.com/
| пятница, 04 февраля 2011